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New supplier with automatic article import

Naturkost Elkershausen is a wholesale retailer located in Göttingen, Germany. They provide their article list as a BNN file which is supported by our shared ...

Call for donations 2021

An essential principle of the Foodsoft hosting offer is that all foodcoops share the costs incurred among themselves. Therefore, we would like to take this o...

Status page and monitoring

Our newly created status page will inform you about problems with our Foodsoft hosting. Please have a look at if you experience any prob...

Update to our global hosting platform

Some of you may experienced a “504 Gateway Timeout” error when using the Foodsoft over the last few months. We believe that the main reason for this kind of ...

Foodsoft 4.7.1 released

About two weeks ago, Foodsoft 4.7.1 was released. It is a bugfix release that does not introduce any new features. Instead, it repairs the article search in ...

Foodsoft 4.7.0 released

In November 2017, Foodsoft 4.6.0 was released, bringing many changes. And earlier this month, Foodsoft 4.7.0 was released, bringing even more changes. Beside...